
Risks, as part of culturally embedded modernization processes, take many forms and can be globalized via dense transnational connections. Daily news outlets are occupied with geopolitical, economic, environmental, and health threats as well as other forms of crises and tragedies. As their impact and implications are felt around the world, minds, resources, and activities have become increasingly devoted to risk prevention, detection, assessment, management and communication. Globalized and politicized risks have been shaping today’s world politics in a fundamental way. Effectively coping with global risks requires a combination of scientific exploration and political wisdom.

Conflict and cooperation regarding risk have become more complex than ever. It has become more urgent than ever to promote interdisciplinary and collaborative research by integrating multi-paradigm risk theories and data science into a new framework of global governance.

The Analytics Lab for Global Risk Politics at Peking University (PKU Risk-A-Lab) is an interdisciplinary research hub that promotes collaborative and cutting-edge research on global risks and seeks for innovative solutions to urgent and profound global problems that are threatening the security and sustainable development of mankind.

Our problem-oriented research aims to assist decision-makers in public and private sectors in effectively managing global risks based on scientific evidence and political reality. As a bridge connecting academic scholars with real-world practitioners, the lab launches collaborative research programs that apply powerful decision-making theories and computational tools to simulating risk scenarios and evaluating the relative efficacy of policy options tailored for practical concerns and needs.