
The Lab is structured around five research areas:

1. Theories on Global Risk Politics

2. Data, Methods and Computational Social Science

3. National Security and Geopolitical Risks

4. Global Development and Ecological Risks

5. Maritime Security Risks 


The Lab comprises two work units, "Global Risk Politics Analysis Team" and the "Knowledge Transformation Team," both dedicated to applying risk research to practical decision-making. The Global Risk Politics Analysis Team will operate within a structured framework encompassing regular consultations and emergency response sessions. This office will employ diverse methodologies and perspectives to conduct thorough and targeted risk assessments, actively engaging experts and collaborating with other research teams as necessary to ensure comprehensive risk identification and scientific evaluation.

The Knowledge Transformation Team will undertake the responsibility of converting the Lab's outcomes into tangible assets with decision-making and socio-economic significance. This encompasses tasks such as patent applications, crafting and presenting policy reports, as well as engaging in business and societal consultations, among other activities.