Global Risk Quantifighters (GRQF) Program

The frequent, interconnected, and resonant crises in global security, politics, economy, and society signal the advent of a profoundly uncertain era. Consequently, global risks have become a highly scrutinized and challenging field of study, demanding elevated standards for talent development. In addition to general scientific and humanistic literacy, professionals in global risk analysis and management must possess the following skills:

1) Identify, locate, and predict risks in complex global interactions.

2) Demonstrate data thinking capabilities and master statistical and computational methods for data analysis.

3) Creatively apply data-driven approaches to design solutions for global risks.

4) Collaborate effectively, manage projects, and exhibit team leadership skills.

5) Communicate effectively about risks and market risk management solutions.

These skills align with the critical soft and hard skills revealed by the LinkedIn Research Institute as essential for the future. To meet the needs of talent development in global risk, top-tier international universities, such as Johns Hopkins University in the United States, Sciences Po in France, and the London School of Economics and Political Science in the United Kingdom, have introduced specialized training programs.

The Global Risk Quantifighters (GRQF) is a talent development mechanism established by Peking University's Global Risk Politics Analysis Lab. It is designed for students from various disciplines who aspire to explore global risk solutions using data and computational methods. Through a combination of unconventional learning methods, GRQF aims to cultivate an interdisciplinary perspective, scientific thinking, data analysis skills, as well as a genuine concern and sense of responsibility for the future of humanity.

The GRQF program consists of three progressive stages, each lasting one semester. Students who meet the requirements of the introductory stage can advance to the advanced stage, and some students may skip the introductory stage and directly enter the stage that matches their abilities. Each stage emphasizes different aspects of learning, with corresponding differences in teaching methods.

Stage One: "Quantifighter, R U Ready?" (GRQF I)

Students, through self-study of designated textbooks, regular group discussions, and occasional interactive sessions with professors, gain an understanding of basic social science thinking, become familiar with basic forms of data, and acquire foundational programming skills. Students who complete this stage receive an exclusive plaque from the Lab and may be selected to become student coaches for the next GRQF I cohort.

Stage Two: "Quantifighter, Let’s Fight!" (GRQF II)

Students, guided by their interests, identify research topics and, under the supervision of professors, collect, organize, and analyze relevant data to discover and answer research questions. Regular group meetings are held where students report on research progress, findings, and unresolved issues. Through group discussions, viable solutions are determined or optimized. The main ideas and outcomes of the research are presented in the form of research posters. The Lab organizes an annual research poster exhibition for GRQF II, inviting scholars from home and abroad to promote extensive academic exchange. Outstanding posters may be recommended for inclusion in national conferences' research poster exhibitions.

Stage Three: "Quantifighter, Towards the Victory!" (GRQF III)

This stage adopts a more personalized "customized" approach to student development. Leveraging the Lab's platform advantages, it integrates academic and social resources from home and abroad, matches resources according to student needs, and helps students enhance their abilities through practical participation in large research projects led by professors. Students may undertake corresponding research tasks, engage in collaborative research under the guidance of professors, write publishable research papers, participate in internships in public or private sectors under professor recommendations, or continue advanced studies at top international universities.

The GRQF program, since its establishment in the fall of 2022, has garnered attention and support from the university. Reports have been featured on Peking University's Chinese and English news websites, as well as on the university's international social media platforms. The program aims to provide a practical and experiential learning mechanism for students interested in global risk analysis.

Peking University News (Chinese): Quantifiers, are you ready? --Practical experience of student-directed learning mechanism in Peking University's Global Risk Political Analysis Lab (click to the original article:

Peking University News (English)Quantifighter, R U Ready? -- a look into PKU's analytics lab for global political risks (Click to enter the original: news/campus/12907.html)

For more information and updates, follow the Peking University Global Risk Politics Analysis Lab WeChat official account.