Research Replication Workshop

Research design is crucial for the success of a research project, as it establishes the framework and blueprint, ensuring rigor and effectiveness from the outset. Shortcomings and errors in the research design phase are likely to manifest during the research execution, with adverse consequences magnifying as the study progresses. Moreover, a well-crafted research design can save time and resources by helping researchers focus on the most critical aspects of the study. By identifying potential sources of bias, controlling for confounding variables, and optimizing identification strategies, researchers can enhance efficiency and maximize the impact of their research outcomes.

The Research Replication Workshop immerses participants in the depth of social science research design through the replication of studies published in high-impact journals. This approach allows participants to grasp the mindset and fundamental principles of social science, become familiar with research procedures, and practice and refine their research skills and techniques. The workshop is tailored for students interested in gaining hands-on experience in the field of social science research.